It’s Spring Cleaning Time! Cleansing and Supporting the Liver
Posted by: locallygrown | Posted on: March 9, 2023
by Leila Scogin, C.N.H.P.
Joi Natural Wellness
Our bodies have many systems in place to remove toxins and waste, and our health often depends on how well your body is able to do this. The liver is the body’s filter, removing toxins from the blood, turning them into waste, and working to metabolize fats, proteins, and carbohydrates, among other functions.
There are many factors that can impact liver health, such as alcohol use, certain medications, high-fat diets, and processed foods, but thankfully, there are also many preventative measures to take care of and support your liver.
HYDRATION – Drinking enough water is an excellent place to start. Water helps to support both the liver and kidneys, aiding them in filtering toxins from the bloodstream and removing them from the body. If it’s accessible, filtered water is ideal for this, as tap water can sometimes have heavy metals and other toxins.
EATING – Being conscious of the foods we’re putting into our bodies is also important. While foods with hydrogenated oils, processed foods, and refined sugars are notoriously toxic to our systems, foods that can help detoxify the liver include raw fruits and vegetables such as berries, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and cauliflower.
HERBS– Herbs and other botanicals can also be great additions to support liver health. Milk thistle has been widely studied to help regulate liver enzymes, reduce fatty liver, and support detoxification. Reishi mushroom is rich in antioxidants and triterpenes, and works as an adaptogen to protect the liver and support the immune system. Other herbs to support the liver include dandelion, green tea, and turmeric.
CONSCIOUS LIVING– At the end of the day, fancy liver cleanses can be a good jump-start into detoxification, but making consistent and committed changes to your lifestyle, making sure you are staying hydrated, and being aware of what you are putting into your body—giving it the tools it needs to be supported, and eliminating exposure to toxins where possible can help put you on the path to better wellness and well-being.
Joi Natural Wellness is a local apothecary that provides natural health and wellness herbal remedies, educational classes, and resources in the Upstate. For more information, call 864-747-9404 or visit:
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