Locally Grown Issues
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Welcome from the publisher

As the leaves turn and the air becomes crisper, we’re excited to present the Fall 2023 issue of Locally Grown, packed with insightful and intriguing articles that are sure to pique your interest and put a smile on your face.
In our “Natural Health Skeptic” feature on page 14, we delve into the world of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. Prepare to have your skepticism challenged as we unravel the mysteries of this unique treatment. Curious minds, get ready to be captivated!
Turn to page 16 for a heartwarming “Wellness Spotlight” where we take you on a journey into the world of Affordable Acupuncture. Get ready to discover how relaxation and well-being can indeed be budget-friendly.
Our “Therapy Spotlight” shines brightly on page 18, focusing on Colon Hydrotherapy from Pure On Main. Unveil the secrets to maintaining a healthy gut, and trust us, you’ll be surprised at how engaging this topic can be.
But that’s not all! Mark your calendars for Saturday, October 7th for the newest Farm Where You Live Harvest 2023 in Clemson, SC. Check out page 29 for their event spotlight and more information.
Thank you for being a part of our vibrant community. Here’s to a season of enlightenment, wellness, and of course, some well-deserved fun!
In health & harmony,
Letter from the Publisher

In Tai Chi and Qi Gong classes, I learned that spring is the time for the liver to be cleansed and supported. Helpful tips from Leila Scogin of Joi Natural Wellness on page 12 and Atir Sveska-Sharpe from Pure Wellness on page 15 will help you on your detoxification journey this spring.
Infusion and hydration therapy have been coming to the forefront in the past few years, and our therapy spotlight, on page 16, will tell you all about “A New Way to Take Your Vitamins” from Hydrate Health.
Since all we do is talk about health around here, I thought it would be fun to start the spring season off with the “Healthy is the New Wealthy Expo”. Vendors, businesses, practitioners, and experts in the field of natural health and wellness will be on hand to chat about living a healthy lifestyle. There will be six half-hour presentations on the 1/2 hour, starting at 10:30am on the main central stage. Free admission, parking, and tote bag to the first 250 attendees. See our ad on the inside front cover for more information.
A reminder to support our advertisers who make Locally Grown come to life. Without them, it would just be a front and back cover. They fill the pages with local, educational, supportive, and cutting-edge information every quarter. We are blessed to live in such a bountiful area on so many levels!
Happy Spring!
Letter from the Publisher

Our winter issue was so much fun to spruce up for the holiday season, with color options and little special touches like our Christmas tree recycling tips on page 23, and our Locally Grown advertisers’ favorite holiday traditions in the Upstate on page 31. The “Healthy Tips to Glide Through Winter” section on page 14 and 15, has some great kidney support suggestions, and I tried those cold weather stretches out from Dr. Ian; I found I was more flexible and it positively enhanced my mood afterwards.
With the many stressors that encompass the winter months, (including the holidays) remind yourself how to be simply joyful on page 20, and also more romantic on page 21, so your New Year will be off to a fantastic start!
Locally Grown is supported solely by our advertisers, and we added even more new professionals this quarter for you to get to know! Please support them and their endeavors to help readers like you lead a healthier lifestyle. Make sure you grab a few extra copies from locations like Publix, Garner’s and Earth Fare to share with family and friends. Don’t forget to keep one in your car!
Feel free to contact us at LocallyGrownGreenville.com. We welcome your comments and suggestions.
May you all have a Healthy, Joyful, and Blessed Holiday Season!
Letter from the Publisher

After such a long, very hot summer, I bet everyone is grateful for some cooler weather. Speaking of grateful, check out Lyn-Dee “Woobie” Elderidge’s article, “Three Daily Healthy Habits to Live in Gratitude and Be Happy” on page 16.
There are lots of fun events planned for this season, so make sure you take a look at our Healthy Happenings column on page 31.
As school is in session in our neck of the woods, colds start to show up for everyone as well; Leila Scogin, CNHP from Joi Natural Wellness has some lung and respiratory support tips on page 15.
We’re excited to announce that we are now distributing in all Publix grocery stores in the Upstate (in the Free Magazine section near the newspapers), so make sure you grab a few extra copies to share with family and friends. Don’t forget to keep one in your car!
Remember, Locally Grown is supported solely by our advertisers, and we have lots of new professionals to get to know; please support them and their endeavors to help readers like you lead a healthier lifestyle.\
Feel free to contact us at LocallyGrownGreenville.com. We welcome your comments and suggestions!
Have a Happy and Healthy Fall Season!
Letter from the Pubisher

Let me start by saying…Yes, I AM doing this again! As some of you might know, I was the original publisher of the Natural Awakenings magazine when we brought it to the Upstate in April of 2009 and passed the publisher torch to Roberta in January of 2014. With its closure in May of 2020, it has left a huge void for our Natural Health and Wellness providers and businesses; so much so that the past few months, it was like someone kept slapping the back of my head, and saying “You gotta do something!”
Being a serial entrepreneur, this name, “Locally Grown” has been in the back of my head (maybe the same place where someone had slapped me, LOL!) for several years now. Creating a new local magazine from scratch wasn’t in the forefront as much as building The Locally Grown Small Business Network was. So, with that said, our “Locally Grown” journey starts here with our quarterly issue for the Summer of 2022.
Let me preface this with you knowing, that ALL of this came together in less than two months! It was so exhilarating when stopping by our previous advertisers like LivingWell Healthcare, Palmer Holistic Dentistry, and Garner’s Natural Life; they were as excited about Locally Grown as we were! It was also exciting to discover all the new businesses like Joi Natural Wellness and Project Wellness SC that have come on board. The growth of the local farms and farmer’s markets in our area have been encouraging to say the least; so much positivity…People are READY for local interaction again! They are craving it, they are needing it, and WE in the Upstate are ready to go Locally Grown times ten!
People have also approached me about “why print when there is digital?” You will have access to both, but my answer is simply; you know that feeling you get when holding that paper in your hand…it helps you connect to the stories and information more…we want that community, we want to know about our local towns, we want to help each other succeed; and it’s always a good thing to relax and get off those electronics as much as possible for our mental and physical health too!
In our summer issue, we are delighted to bring you all sorts of fun articles like “Biking in the Upstate,” on page 20, as Juliet Peay takes you on a tour from types of bikes, to safety, and the future growth of the Swamp Rabbit Trail. “DIY Rain Barrel in your Backyard,” page 22, by our local aspiring homesteader, Debbie Kimmel is on my list to do (hopefully this summer) and “What’s an Ionic Footbath?” on page 19 by our Natural Health Skeptic, Liz Liokumovich is quite the eye-opener!
On page 24, The Cream of the Crop will help steer you in all the right directions to find healthy choices from our local farming community. Food grown locally is cleaner and fresher compared to food shipped from other regions; you also get to know our local farmers, and thank them for all their hard work.
As always, Locally Grown is supported solely by our advertisers, so please support them as much as you can. You can also help them by picking up a few extra copies and giving them to share with your friends and family, and don’t forget one for your car.
We are always looking for feedback on how to make each issue bigger and better, so please feel free to contact us at any time at [email protected].
Have a Bright and Joyful Summer!