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Welcome from the Publisher

We are excited to announce that the highly anticipated Get Off The Grid Fest is coming to the Upstate, and you can find all the details on page 10 of this issue. This festival is not only a celebration of music and healthy living, but also a sustainable living event that focuses on eco-friendly practices and off-grid living. We encourage you to come out and experience the festival’s unique blend of entertainment and education.
As we move into the summer season, it’s essential to stay energetic and beat the heat. On page 13, we have an article by Leila Scogin from Joi Center on tips to stay energized and refreshed during the hot summer months. With her expert advice, you’ll be ready to tackle any summer challenge that comes your way.
For those looking for something yummy and healthy, we have a mouthwatering Summer Berries and Cream recipe on page 29. It’s the perfect way to cool down and satisfy your sweet tooth while enjoying the bounty of fresh berries that are in season.
We also want to highlight our Locally Grown advertisers, who play a vital role in supporting our community. Please show your support for these businesses that are committed to healthy living.
Finally, let’s all enjoy the bright and beautiful days of summer. We hope this issue inspires you to make the most of this vibrant season.
In Health & Harmony,
Warm Ups Before You Go Outside

“Winter is coming!” As the colder weather approaches, it is more important now than any other time of the year to WARM UP your muscles and joints before any type of activity. Following are a few quick full body movements that take no more than 4 minutes to loosen up your joints and warm up your muscles.
Note: These movements are meant to be done in a controlled manner over a 2-4 second count per repetition. Do NOT push past the point of comfortable range of motion into pain.
Spinal Hygiene: Start seated. Tuck your chin and then look down as far as you can. Then, leading with your eyes, look up. Repeat 10 times. Then turn your head to the left as far as you can; then to the right. Repeat 10 times. Then bring your left ear towards your left shoulder as far as you can. Then Right ear to right shoulder. Repeat 10 times.
Stand up. Look down, roll your shoulders forward, and bend down to touch your toes with a slight knee bend. Then look up, roll your shoulders back, and extend your back to standing. Repeat 5 times. Next, give yourself a nice big hug, and turn your torso to the left. Then turn to the right. Repeat 10 times. Then bring your hands to your side and bend to the left, then bend to the right. Repeat 10 times.
Now you’re ready to take on the world! Enjoy, be safe, and be merry! – Dr. Ian Barwick, Our Patch Family Chiropractic
Show Those Kidneys Some Love

When your skin is itchy in the dry winter months, you might consider giving a little love to your kidneys. That’s right, itchy skin, especially on your back and arms, can be a sign of a deeper issue. Stay hydrated and eat blueberries, strawberries and raspberries because they provide antioxidants to help protect them.
To support your kidneys, mix 2-3 drops each of Copaiba, Grapefruit, and Juniper essential oils with a few drops of carrier oil (almond, avocado, etc.) and rub it on the bottom of your feet before bed. – Sandy Teska from Essentially Sandy