Veteran Teams Up With Water Filtration Company
Posted by: locallygrown | Posted on: June 1, 2023
eteran Shaun Anderson has partnered with Ultra Blue Hydrology, a company that provides high-quality whole house water filtration systems. Ultra Blue Hydrology has been in the business of offering premium water purification and conditioner systems since 2014, featuring a 7-layer media for superior filtration. They also offer free installation and lifetime service for their equipment. Anderson explains that chlorine in our water can be harmful to our health when we cook, bathe, and consume it, and that utility companies can use excessive amounts. Using Ultra Blue Hydrology’s system removes harmful chemicals like chlorine, potentially reducing the risk of cancer by 93%. Learn more at
As an incentive for Locally Grown readers to learn more and get their water tested, Ultra Blue Hydrology is offering a $100 gift card of your choice to Locally Grown advertisers like acupuncture, foot care, and even Garner’s!
For more information, call: 864-640-8151 or 866-602-7171 or visit:
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