If You Could Turn Back Time
Posted by: locallygrown | Posted on: June 1, 2023
by Kay Lucas
Everyone has a reason to wish time would stop or reverse – especially concerning your body. While time travel is still a mystery, full body rejuvenation is not.
There are many therapies available to reverse the effects of aging. The Danita Clinic offers several, and during a free consultation, they will discuss the best option for your concerns. They also have a board-certified family nurse practitioner available for general healthcare.
For many, the first signs of aging are noticed in the mirror – scars, wrinkles, skin discoloration, and hair loss, to name a few. The Danita Clinic can address those issues and more, using SkinPen. “It works well, especially on scars, and that’s mainly what we push for more than the aesthetic,” says Anita Swiss, owner of The Danita Clinic. They also have weight loss solutions for anyone looking to achieve their ideal weight using Semaglutide.
What about the physical pains from aging? The Danita Clinic’s answers are Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and regenerative therapies. Regenerative Biologic injections work wonders on overused joints, injuries and many other degenerative conditions, breathing issues, and stress incontinence. You can get biological material from your own body or a highly vetted donor. The injection is placed at the sight of your troubled area, but when the biological materials enter your body, they spread out to find inflammation, often helping in more than one location. Most conditions only require one injection, and the biological materials regenerate tissue. Also, there is no downtime needed after your appointment!
Compare that to steroid shots. Cortisone (steroid) shots only provide temporary relief, often lasting weeks to months, and the pain from the injection can last up to two days. Swiss further explains, “Steroid shots: you aren’t supposed to have more than three in one joint over a lifetime because they are catabolic – meaning they break down the bone and connective tissues and basically push you even closer to that surgery.”
Along with a personal history of injuries, Anita Swiss is a registered nurse with hospital experience. She has observed, and now cautions, about the surgical path. “Insurance companies put you on a glide path to surgery. #1 They don’t want to do it too soon because most [artificial] joints don’t last more than 10-12 years. #2 Anyone who has had a hip or knee replacement usually, within three years of having that, ends up having to have another joint replaced – either a knee, the other hip, the other knee, or on the same side, because of your gait and overcompensating from all this time getting to the surgery. And then you have offset it again and will overcompensate again.”
Another big sign of aging is the loss of hormones. The Danita Clinic is a proud provider of BioTE, a Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) company. BioTE is set apart from the competition because they have a small compounding tolerance for added perfection.
“I knew we [The Danita Clinic] were going to be doing hormone replacement, so we onboarded with BioTE because BioTE was the best,” Swiss speaks from personal experience.
Balancing your hormones will boost your energy, decrease hot flashes, and improve your libido, mood, and brain fog. BHRT is a small pellet inserted subcutaneously, so you get a constant dose of hormones and aren’t on a rollercoaster of highs and lows as you would from synthetic creams and pills. The pellets dissolve and only need to be replaced two to four times a year.
Because BioTE pellets are bioidentical, your body recognizes them as your own, and you absorb 100% of the hormones given to you. Unlike topical creams, there is no transference to your partner or others you come in contact with. Best of all, BHRT pellets are plant-based, not synthetically made from animal by-products.
Hormones work as a lock and key, and everyone’s needs differ. During a consultation at The Danita Clinic, you will have blood drawn and sent to a lab to determine your hormone levels so they can find the right balance for you.
Similar to some hormones, our body’s peptide production dwindles with age. Peptides are short chains of amino acids that our body naturally produces. Luckily, there are therapies available to help. Since there are over 7,000 known peptides in our body, there is a wide range of benefits to peptide therapy, such as weight loss, improved cognitive function, enhanced immune system, increased libido, better sleep, anxiety, depression, obsessive behaviors, neuro-degeneration conditions, and many more. The Danita Clinic’s website states, “Peptide therapy is the use of peptides in treatment to direct cells to perform the function specific to the peptide being used.”
Full body rejuvenation is how you can turn back the clock and slow the aging process. Don’t think you just have to live with physical or emotional pain and scars; there are many options available. Explore them all, especially if you are ready to get off the “pain-pill-hamster-wheel.”
The Danita Clinic is located at 16 Lindsay Ave. in Greenville. For more information, call 864-419-7896 or visit: TDCGreenville.com.
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