Clicking Refresh on Your Soul
Posted by: locallygrown | Posted on: March 9, 2023
by Kay Lucas
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Undoubtedly you have gotten stuck in this stagnant trap on your digital device. You know after a while that you need to click refresh or even reboot. But what about when this seems to be happening within you? How do you click refresh on your soul? Because each person is different, what works for your neighbor might not work for you. Trying more than one of the following may help you find what works best for you.
• Laughter: Nothing lightens your spirit like a good giggle. Find some friends for a good time. You don’t need to go out, just conversation and fellowship. If you aren’t a socialite, watch or read
something for comedic relief.
• Meditate: Find a little peace and quiet to look within and communicate with your spirit.
• Music: Music has been proven to change your mood. From uplifting beats to soothing sounds, I’m sure you’ll find a favorite tune to connect and revive your soul.
• Scent: The olfactory bulb connects your sense of smell to your brain. It can be a magical time machine that returns your mind to a moment in your past. If you have any essential oils, line them up for a sensory journey. Open one at a time, close your eyes and take a whiff. Hopefully, you’ll have one that sings to your spirit.
• Get out in Nature:Everyone has an element they connect with at a soul-deep level. Do you feel your best at the beach? In the woods? Digging in the soil? Sitting around a fire? Or maybe you like the fresh air at the top of a mountain?
• Spa Treatments: This may be a biased opinion, but when your body feels great, your soul is happy.
• Exercise: The release of endorphins from a good workout will uplift your spirit.
• A Hot Cup of Tea: Wrap your hands around a mug of tea; bring it to your face and let the aromatic steam kiss your skin. Breathe it in before taking that first sip, then enjoy each mouthful with the intent of feeding your soul.
• Religion: This is a subject that people feel very strongly about, but it would be amiss to skip. No matter your beliefs, the Word of your religion should ignite your soul.
Hopefully, one or more of these tips refreshes your soul and reboots your chi! With spring all around us, it’s time to reset your spirit too.
Kay Lucas is a local romance novelist, a licensed massage therapist, wife, and mother of four. When she doesn’t have her nose stuck in a book, she loves to dance while cooking and tend to her many fur and feathered friends.
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