What is EDS
Posted by: locallygrown | Posted on: December 1, 2022
(Electro-Dermal Stress)Testing?
by Liz Liokumovich
This time around I ventured out to learn and experience a new type of modality very unfamiliar to me; this was Electrodermal Stress Testing or simply EDS, a non-invasive biofeedback test. Now let me be honest with you, I have never even heard of this! Prior to my adventure to Eternal Wellness, I was recommended to watch a couple of videos on EDS and its use and get a little familiar with it. At Eternal Wellness, I was introduced to Amber Walczuk who would perform my EDS. Amber is the owner of this brand-new facility and is a wealth of information and an amazing educator. She is a registered nurse and an EDS technician with over a decade of hospital and other medical industry experience. She truly is a gem.
At the onset of my exam, I was asked questions about my health as this would lay out the basic foundation into the biofeedback results. This is common practice for such a comprehensive exam. As I sat back comfortably, I was given a brass probe to hold onto with my left hand. This is one of two brass probes attached to the biofeedback machine. The other probe was used by Amber on my right hand to touch points along acupuncture meridians. It was explained to me that the purpose of this is to create this biofeedback loop which would measure certain frequencies within the body. I was informed that the machine would use about one volt of electricity, and that I would not even feel it. Well, that was good! At this point, I kept asking myself, “how does this work?” It turns out that the frequencies the EDS machine picks up then gives a complete “picture” of what systems and organs are out of balance. A more in-depth, secondary look shows what is actually creating these illnesses and imbalances. Since everything in our body has measurable frequencies, these numbers are read against the system’s catalogue.
For example, the scoring is from 0-100, a score of 50 would be considered a no issue and a healthy balance. Anything below 50 means the organ/system is not functioning, anything over 50 would mean there is an issue and an imbalance with that part. What was even more amazing to me was that the program took a tertiary look, by finding the solutions! These were recommendations and dosages of certain homeopathic tinctures and supplements that were pinpointed to the imbalances. I can see how this test is very highly individualized. It was very impressive to me as I have never had a biofeedback exam of this sort.
The average duration of the test is between one to two hours long. With that, the main goal is to determine the right path to detox. Detoxing helps the body to drain toxins and ultimately support the body’s healing process. Honestly, I was very impressed with the results! Just three days after taking the recommended supplements, I noticed a big improvement in my issues. I just felt so much better on multiple levels, and I am grateful for having been introduced to this easy, non-invasive method, and a path to feeling better and healing.
To learn more about EDS Testing, contact Eternal Wellness at 864-921-9272.
Liz is a wife and homeschooling mom of four by day, and a self-proclaimed “Researcher-Hawk” by night (with hopefully some sleep in-between). She’s looking forward to discovering more natural therapies to keep her life in balance.
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