Letter from the Publisher
Posted by: locallygrown | Posted on: December 1, 2022
Our winter issue was so much fun to spruce up for the holiday season, with color options and little special touches like our Christmas tree recycling tips on page 23, and our Locally Grown advertisers’ favorite holiday traditions in the Upstate on page 31. The “Healthy Tips to Glide Through Winter” section on page 14 and 15, has some great kidney support suggestions, and I tried those cold weather stretches out from Dr. Ian; I found I was more flexible and it positively enhanced my mood afterwards.
With the many stressors that encompass the winter months, (including the holidays) remind yourself how to be simply joyful on page 20, and also more romantic on page 21, so your New Year will be off to a fantastic start!
Locally Grown is supported solely by our advertisers, and we added even more new professionals this quarter for you to get to know! Please support them and their endeavors to help readers like you lead a healthier lifestyle. Make sure you grab a few extra copies from locations like Publix, Garner’s and Earth Fare to share with family and friends. Don’t forget to keep one in your car!
Feel free to contact us at LocallyGrownGreenville.com. We welcome your comments and suggestions.
May you all have a Healthy, Joyful, and Blessed Holiday Season!
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