Finding Joy in the Season!
Posted by: locallygrown | Posted on: December 1, 2022
by “Woobie” aka Lyn-Dee Eldridge
Tis the season to get up and go! From the moment you wake up, choose to find joy because it isn’t a gift that someone can give you. You may need to remind yourself that opening your eyes to a new day is a blessing not to be taken for granted. With that in mind, stretch to rejuvenate your muscles while simultaneously flooding your brain with endorphins. This will help elevate your mood and give you feelings of gratitude and joy to set you on your way. Playing music while dressing in your favorite warm weather wear will comfort you and prepare you for everything you‘ll face for the day.
Baby, it’s cold outside, but don’t let the low temps and short daylight hours bring you down. Embrace the fresh breeze that hits your cheeks while you walk down the sidewalk or out to your car. Breathe in the crisp, delicious air, allowing it to flow in and out of your body, and give thanks for the pure beauty of the season.
The Upstate doesn’t stop during the winter, and neither should you. There are plenty of events and activities, both indoors and out, for you to delight in. Here are some tips for finding joy in the season:
Venture outside
Join, put in all your likes, hobbies, activities and find like-minded new friends.
Check out your town’s website and fan pages on what to do in your surrounding area.
Brighten up your home
Decorating can be so much fun just by putting out a few things you love and it always makes it a pleasure to be home in a joyful place.
Open those windows. Allow your curtains to flow and let the fresh air in. It makes your home smell fresh and new. Have your favorite blanket close by so you always feel comfy, warm and delicious. Enjoy a cup of warm tea, hot cocoa or your favorite beverage. Take in the gift of the things you have that make you happy.
Enjoy the gift of nature.
Go for a walk or a bike ride on the Swamp Rabbit Trail.
Take a break and browse the wonderful shops and eateries; don’t forget there is the fabulous Greenville Zoo.
Park your bike and go for a wonderful stroll around nature and animals. Pack a picnic basket and blanket and sit with the animals.
Homemade gift giving
Enjoy your hobbies. Make your gifts this year. There is no better time than to pick up a craft and create gifts for the holidays.
Bake and share. Everyone will enjoy all the deliciousness that comes from your thoughtful kindness, not to mention how it will make you feel.
Bottom line, you are not going to find joy until you give yourself permission to spend every day knowing you are more than enough and that your positive attitude, smile and laughter are a blessing to yourself and others.
©copyright 2022 Woobie aka Lyn-Dee Eldridge/Happiness Jungle LLC/Cuddle Me Love LLC
“Woobie” aka Lyn-Dee Eldridge is an Author, Motivational Keynote Speaker, Life Coach Mentor/Company Trainer/Creator of the Cuddle Me Love Body Pillow®. For more information, visit and/or
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