Are You the Cheetahor the Zebra?
Posted by: locallygrown | Posted on: December 1, 2022
by Kay Lucas
Let’s face it; relationships are filled with all kinds of struggles. We usually have no problem talking about them; sadly, we aren’t always as vocal about intimacy issues. When it comes to lack of libido, painful intercourse, vaginal dryness, inability to reach orgasm, low sensitivity, erectile dysfunction, or even self-image, Renew Health and Wellness is here to help. Yes, right here in the Upstate, there is a wonderful clinic to help with all those uncomfortable topics.
Starting with libido—this is where the cheetah or zebra question comes into play. Are you the one chasing your partner, or is he/she chasing you? Rarely do two people have the same sex drive, especially as we age, and often hormone levels are primarily to blame. Renew Health and Wellness offers Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BRHT), a plant-based solution for anyone suffering from hormonal depletion or imbalance. Renew has licensed medical staff to evaluate and assess where you are and where you need to be.
AnnaMarie Cantrell, Clinic Manager at Renew Health and Wellness, explained, “Bio-identical hormones are chemically identical to the hormones our bodies were making. When we introduce them to our system, our system embraces them instead of putting up a standard.” The clinic will place the grain of rice- sized pellet under your skin every three months. This is a natural, holistic option that very rarely has side effects, unlike what has been used in the past. Cantrell said, “The past few decades, many women’s health studies have focused on hormone replacement, unfortunately creating a negative narrative, as synthetic hormones (such as birth control or other HRT primary care providers would typically prescribe) can increase risk of cancer, blood clots, strokes, and other unpleasant high-risk scenarios.”
As we age, our bodies produce fewer hormones, and this can start in our mid-20s. While there are thousands of hormones, Renew Health and Wellness focuses on three hormones: estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. Getting our hormone levels up and balanced will help your sexual wellness and protect you against cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, and Alzheimer’s/Dementia. So, we get preventative benefits from having these hormones back in our bodies. It’s not only about hormones. Renew Health and Wellness offers sexual wellness procedures too, such as Platelet Rich Placement (PRP) shots—these reinject your own blood into your sexual tissue to create more collagen for elasticity and helps with self- lubrication, Vibra treatments—works from our body’s response to micro- injuries (our body sends new blood cells creating new blood vessels to rejuvenate our sexual organs), and Renew Pulse Therapy sends vibrations to develop new blood vessels and break up plaque and calcification of our arteries as we age. Therefore, men have longer, harder erections without a pharmaceutical solution. Cantrell said, “[We] use your body’s own natural healing process to fix itself.” This means no troublesome side effects that lead to embarrassing ER visits. Treatments vary for each individual, and the professionals at Renew will determine the best plan to fix your symptoms. Some patients notice results after one treatment.
Renew Health and Wellness offers solutions if you struggle with body image, too. They have many skin rejuvenation procedures to help with cellulite, skin tightening, wrinkle reduction, acne, scars, and more. Of course, most of us have body image problems due to weight gain. Renew Health and Wellness provides a 12-week medically monitored weight loss program called Clean Start. This program includes diet, exercise, HCG or Semaglutide and MIC injections—a cocktail of fat burners and vitamins that enhance weight loss in a safe and natural way. The goal is to reset your metabolism and retrain your brain to pull from fat storage to energy while modifying your appetite and tastebuds. “We want to transition you into whatever you want your eating habit to be for the rest of your life,” Cantrell said. “Again, it’s re-healing your body to be that healthier version of yourself.”
Renew Health and Wellness website,, states: Reaching a healthy weight with a monitored weight loss program helps balance hormone levels and helps improve sexual wellness. Living at an unhealthy weight affects you mentally, emotionally, physically, and sexually. Still, when you reach a healthy weight and nourish your body, you’ll experience benefits in every area of your life. When asked about the feedback Renew Health and Wellness receives, Cantrell replies, “No matter what someone comes in for, they say, ‘We wish we would have found you sooner.’” And she loves that “We change our patients’ lives.” Intimacy dysfunction shouldn’t be a taboo topic and growing older doesn’t mean saying goodbye to your libido.
Renew Health and Wellness of the Upstate is located at 526 Howell Rd., Greenville. To schedule your free consultation, call 864-408-8877 or visit their website at Receive up to $500 off when you mention Locally Grown!
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