Holistic Wellness Business Opens Doors in Lyman
Posted by: locallygrown | Posted on: August 22, 2022
Eternal Wellness is a new business providing holistic wellness services. “We specialize in biofeedback testing and use a point-to-point system of Electro-Dermal screening. This allows us to get highly specific results about the body. The system can detect parasites, bacteria, hormonal imbalances, mental and emotional stressors, location of acidosis in the body, and more,” says Grace Wood, an EDS Technician at Eternal Wellness.
Eternal Wellness is one of the few practices offering a point-to-point biofeedback system, which allows the client to get the most specific results. Results often list an organ or gland suffering from a specific issue, and also can detect the necessary nutrients, supplements, or herbal remedies needed to eradicate the issue. It provides a roadmap tailored to the body to achieve health.
Owner and founder Amber P. Walczuk, BSN, RN, BC-NC is a board-certified Nurse Coach, an electro-dermal stress analysis technician, and an entrepreneur. Her combined 12 plus years of experience spans the medical device, pharmaceutical, hospital, and home health industries.
“What I think sets us apart is that we are a holistic clinic that takes an individual’s mind, body, spiritual fulfillment, and whole -body approach with each of our clients,” says Wood. “We’re excited to be on this journey!”
Eternal Wellness is open Tuesday – Friday from 9:30am-5pm. They are located at 127 Spartanburg Hwy., Lyman. Call ahead for appointments at 864-921-9272. Email [email protected] or visit MyEternalWellness.com.
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